Ed Buziak has been selling his photographic images for more than 40 years to publications all over the world. For the past four years he has also achieved many successful image sales with the Alamy stock agency. Ed is now making available a limited selection of those photos he's seen, shot and sold as beautiful wall-art and greetings cards using the services and expertise of the highly respected FotoMoto enterprise. You can also read here why and how he shot these beautiful images.

Friday 23 September 2011

Red Poppies

Known by several forenames including Common, Field, Corn and Flanders - every November they are worn in Commonwealth countries in memory of those who fell during the Great War - the particular colour of this poppy is only rivaled, but not matched, by one other British flower... the Scarlet Pimpernel. My ”Familiar Wild Flowers” (F. Edward Hulme - Cassel & Co. 1906) relates the impact of its colouring by saying... ”Though the Marsh Marigold flower is a perfectly pure and brilliant yellow; the White Campion, a white of spotless purity; the Borage as deep and unsullied a blue as could possibly be met with or imagined - these colours, beautiful as they are, must yield in brilliant strength and intensity to the scarlet of the Poppy.”
I love them as they appear in early morning light, back-lit by the rising sun, damp with dew, fragile petals from the newly emerged flowers rising above the nodding heads of those about to cast off their protective sepals.

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